Pit lift, suspended GHUSL 10

Load stroke hand-hydraulic, hydraulic-pneumatic quick lift, hydraulic-neumatic forced return

MPN: 3637
GTIN (EAN): 4057612011722
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  • Smooth running: The standard needle roller bearings on the carriage rollers permit effortless sliding of the lift inside the pit.
  • Durability: Both the piston rod and the pump piston are hard-chrome plated, for protection against corrosion and wear.
  • Fully hydraulic lifting unit: Thanks to the patented BLITZ corrosion prevention system, during every lifting and lowering movement the cylinder is submerged in oil on either side of the sealing sleeve. This means that both the piston rod and the cylinder are constantly in an oil bath, effectively protecting the cylinder walls against corrosion.
  • Time-saving I: The hydro-pneumatic forced return rapidly retracts the piston even when off-load. Unlike conventional pit lifts, the piston is in effect ”pulled” back into its rest position.
  • Precision: The load stroke by air motor enables the load to be raised with a single action of the foot – without any physical effort.
  • Time-saving II: The hydro-pneumatic forced return rapidly retracts the piston even when off-load. Unlike conventional pit lifts, the piston is in effect ”pulled” back into its rest position.
  • Ergonomics: To allow maximum freedom for movement in the pit, the operating elements are flanged onto the front. Large-area controls permit responsive operation even when wearing gloves.


Special rollers and special chassis on request


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Tech Data

FeaturesPit lift, suspended GHUSL 10Pit lift, suspended GHUSL 10Pit lift, suspended GHUSLP 10Pit lift, suspended GHUSLP 10Pit lift, suspended GHL 10Pit lift, suspended GHL 10Pit lift, suspended GHUSLE 10Pit lift, suspended GHUSLE 10
Mode of drivehydropneumatichydropneumatichydraulicelectrohydraulic
Operationmanual controlmanual controlmanual controlmanual control
Pit jack designsuspendedsuspendedsuspendedsuspended
Quick liftstandardstandardstandard
Forced returnstandardstandardstandard
Rated load capacity10000kg10000kg10000kg10000kg
Peg diameter55mm55mm55mm55mm
Carriagenot adjustablenot adjustablenot adjustablenot adjustable
Operating pressure199bar199bar199bar199bar
Surface coatingLacqueredLacqueredLacqueredLacquered
Corrosion preventingUltra High Solid Primer (UHS)Ultra High Solid Primer (UHS)Ultra High Solid Primer (UHS)Ultra High Solid Primer (UHS)
Air supply9bar9bar

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